our mission

healthy and clean world for you and everyone

DKC Biotech Co., Ltd. is a biotechnology company focused on research and development of innovative solutions in the biotechnology industry. We have a team of highly skilled scientists and engineers dedicated to providing safe and effective products to improve people's lives and the environment.

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What we do

Discover DKC Biotech


DKC is a biotechnology company that develops innovative solutions for the industry.


The company has a team of skilled scientists and engineers focused on safe and effective products.

Research & Development

DKC has developed 5 core strains of pure, naturally-derived microorganisms.


These microorganisms offer diverse benefits and can function in various environmental conditions.


The use of these microorganisms aims to reduce the need for chemical agents.

Where DKC can help

categorization of places with odor problems:

Public & Government Places

  • ðŸĶ Police Station
  • 🏛ïļ Local Government Offices (District Office, Provincial Administration)
  • 🏛ïļ District Office
  • 🏛ïļ Health Center
  • 🚛 Bus Station / Transport Station

Healthcare Facilities

  • ðŸĻ Hospital
  • ðŸĻ Animal Hospital
  • 🐕 Pet Clinic

Educational and Residential Places

  • 🏠 School
  • 🏎 Hotel
  • 🏎 Condominium
  • 🏎 Apartment
  • 🏎 Rental House / Room
  • 🏎 Nursery for Infants
  • 🏎 Kindergarten
  • ðŸĶ Elderly Care Home

Entertainment and Service Places

  • ðŸĨƒ Bar
  • ðŸĨƒ Restaurant
  • ðŸĨƒ Massage Parlor
  • ðŸĨƒ Beauty Salon / Haircut Shop

Livestock and Farms

  • ðŸ― Livestock Farms (Pig, Chicken)
  • ðŸ― Zoo
  • ðŸ― Aquatic Animal Farm


  • ðŸĶŠ Pet Food
  • ðŸ’Đ Bathrooms with Backflow Odor

Why we are special

Functions and Benefits of DKC Enzymes

Decomposition of organic waste:

  • The microorganisms in DKC Enzymes help decompose organic waste into smaller compounds
  • This degradation process does not produce foul odors and does not create environmental pollution

Increasing Beneficial Microorganisms

  • Beneficial microorganisms help control disease-causing and odor-producing microorganisms

Improving water quality:

  • DKC Enzymes help improve the quality of wastewater by accelerating the decomposition of waste, reducing BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand), and making the treated water safer for discharge into natural water sources.
  • It reduces chemical residues in water, soil, and the environment.

Why we are special

Functions and Benefits of DKC Enzymes

Improving water quality:

  • DKC Enzymes help improve the quality of wastewater in the treatment system, making the discharged water better in quality and able to be reused.
  • It helps reduce the BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) of wastewater, which is a measure of the amount of oxygen that microorganisms use to break down organic matter in the water.

Eliminating odors:

  • DKC Enzymes can eliminate foul odors from the decomposition of various organic matters such as waste, wastewater, and restrooms, making the environment cleaner and more livable.

Fat decomposition:

  • It helps in the decomposition of fats in the wastewater treatment system and pipes, reducing clogging and the accumulation of fats.

Why we are special

Functions and Benefits of DKC Enzymes

Controlling the egg-laying and hatching of flies:

  • Reduces egg-laying and controls the hatching of fly eggs.

Eliminating pathogens and harmful bacteria:

  • Eliminates both Gram-positive and Gram-negative harmful bacteria, such as Vibrio cholera, E. coli, Salmonella, and Clostridium sp.

Eliminating fungi and fungal toxins:

  • Eliminates fungi and toxins produced by fungi, such as aflatoxins.


  • The enzymes and microorganisms in DKC Enzymes are non-toxic and eco-friendly.

Why we are special

Functions and Benefits of DKC Enzymes

Improving wastewater treatment efficiency:

  • Accelerates the decomposition of waste, reducing foul odors in the wastewater treatment system.
  • Helps reduce the BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) of wastewater, improving the quality of the treated water and making it safer for discharge into natural water sources.

Safe for living organisms:

  • Safe for humans and pets.

Reducing the use of chemicals in daily life:

  • Reduces the residual chemicals in water sources, soil, and the environment.

Our products

DKC Products


Eliminate bad odors from garbage with flies, fresh market odors, trash cans, public restrooms, garbage trucks, landfills, and drainage pipes.


Helps accelerate the decomposition of waste, eliminating odors, mud in shrimp ponds. Fish and aquatic animals Helps balance water quality, eliminates blue-green algae, toxic plankton, and helps adjust the color of the water to make it beautiful.


It is a technology product. Revolutionary biology Designed to solve important problems of Cooling Towers with a special formula that Contains beneficial microorganisms. Eco Safe provides an effective solution. environmentally friendly Worthy of maintenance of Cooling Tower


Eliminate bad odors in urinals and bathroom floors. Eliminate rancid odors from the kitchen. The sink or drain pipe is clogged from grease


DKC DRIVE is a natural enzyme product designed to effectively eliminate musty odors in cars. The smell reaches the source. Helps reduce the need to use Harsh chemicals Suitable for sensitive people


natural enzyme products It's a helper. Effective in eliminating odors in the refrigerator, reducing germs and preventing mold growth, helping maintain the freshness and safety of food, making the refrigerator smell naturally fresh






The Science

5 strains of microorganisms

DKC has developed 5 core strains of pure microorganisms that have been carefully selected from natural sources. These microorganisms provide a wide range of benefits and can work effectively in diverse environmental conditions, reducing the need for chemical agents.

Pediococcus acidilactici (LAB)

  • Produces lactic acid and the antibiotic Pediocins
  • Kills harmful Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria

Pediococcus pentosaceus (LAB):

  • Produces lactic acid and the antibiotic Pediocins
  • Kills harmful Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria

Bacillus amyloliquefaciens:

  • Produces Iturins and various enzymes

Pichia farinosa (Yeast):

  • Produces Killer Toxins that degrade toxic substances

Dekkera anomala (Yeast):

  • Breaks down starch and sugars into acetic acid, and produces various enzymes

How we reduce expenses

Regarding cost-effectiveness compared to chemicals:

Average cost per usage:

  • Common chemicals such as sodium hypochlorite cost 20-30 baht/liter and require using multiple products to manage odors, grease, stains, and cleaning.

Long-term cost savings:

  • DKC Enzymes are cheaper than chemicals in the long run, as they can be used in smaller quantities while maintaining high effectiveness.

Low cost per unit:

  • DKC Enzymes have a low cost per unit.
  • Using just one product, DKC Enzymes, can cover all problems. 1 kg of DKC Enzymes costs 6,000 baht and can be mixed with 1,000-2,000 liters of water, averaging 6-3 baht per liter, which is more cost-effective than general chemicals.

How we reduce expenses

Regarding cost-effectiveness compared to chemicals

Long-term cost savings

  • Used in small quantities but highly effective, reducing the need for multiple chemical products, waste management costs, and preventing long-term health and environmental issues.


  • Space-saving storage
  • Shelf life of up to 2 years

DKC VS Others

Comparison of DKC and Others

Feature DKC Others
Microbial Strains DKC contains 5 pure microbial strains Others contain a single strain or unspecified strains
Form DKC is in the form of live dry cells Others are in the form of live cells or spores
Concentration DKC has a specified concentration (at least 3 x 10^7 cfu per gram) Others do not specify the concentration or have much lower concentrations per gram
Subculturing DKC is not subjected to subculturing Others have a chance of being subcultured, as they are continuously propagated
Storage DKC is easy and convenient to store, likes sunlight, and has a long shelf life of 2 years Others require storage in the dark, avoid sunlight, and have a shorter shelf life
Efficacy DKC has high and proven efficacy, with results from both domestic and international trials The efficacy of others decreases over time with each subsequent propagation
Safety DKC has a high safety profile for humans, animals, plants, and the environment The safety of others is not guaranteed
Cost DKC is cheaper when calculated per unit of use Others may be cheaper per kg, but more expensive per unit of use

Support & After-sales Service

  • Training: Our team is ready to provide training on how to use the products.
  • Consulting: We offer consulting services and recommendations on how to optimize the treatment system.
  • After-Sales Services: We follow up on the usage and make improvements based on the customer's needs.


Our Customers

DKC Biotech Co., Ltd. has a wide range of customers, including:


Certifications & Research

How to use DKC

Ratios & USe Cases


  • Making Compost with DKC Enzymes
  • To make fragrant compost without the need for turning the pile, use the following method:

    Gather agricultural waste materials such as plant residues, crop leftovers, and organic sludge from food processing industries.

    For every 2,000 kg of these waste materials, add 1,000 grams of DKC Enzymes.

    Additionally, add 2 kg of urea fertilizer and 10 kg of rock phosphate to the compost pile.

    The enzymes in DKC will break down the organic matter without requiring manual turning of the compost pile. This produces a nutrient-rich, fragrant compost that can be used as a soil amendment.


  • Revitalizing Crop Seedlings and Controlling Soil-Borne Diseases
  • DKC Enzymes can be used to rehabilitate degraded or stressed crop seedlings, as well as control soil-borne diseases when growing economic crops such as citrus, durian, chili, eggplant, cassava, melons, and more.

    DKC Enzymes have the ability to eliminate soil-borne bacteria and fungi that cause diseases like root rot, wilt, damping-off, and seedling blight.

    To prepare the soil, mix 1 kg of DKC Enzymes with 2,000 liters of water and apply the solution to the planting area at a rate of 1 rai (0.395 acres) per month.

    For maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to also incorporate organic matter or compost/manure into the soil at a rate of at least 2-3 tons per rai (0.395 acres) alongside the DKC Enzyme application.

    This combination helps revitalize stressed seedlings and control soil-borne diseases, leading to healthier crop growth.

Using DKC in municipal areas, public places, zoos, etc.

  • â€Ē Eliminates foul odors from waste infested with flies, odors in fresh markets, garbage bins, public restrooms, garbage trucks, landfills, and drainage systems.
  • Use 1 kilogram of DKC per 2000 - 3000 liters of water and spray over an area of 1000 sq.m. or 50 tons of waste. Spraying quickly eliminates foul odors and keeps them away for a long time. Additionally, it reduces egg-laying, controls fly larvae hatching, and kills maggots in the pupal stage before they can emerge as adult flies.

    Regular daily spraying is recommended

Using DKC in livestock and farms

  • Eliminates foul odors and reduces pathogens on pen floors
  • Use 1 kilogram of DKC mixed with 2,000 liters of water, and spray continuously for 3 days. After that, spray regularly every 3-5 days.

  • Spray manure piles to reduce flies and odors
  • Use 1 kilogram of DKC mixed with 500 liters of water, and thoroughly spray the exposed manure piles. This prevents fly egg hatching and maggot development, and kills pupae before they can emerge as adult flies.

Using DKC in livestock and farms

  • Mix into animal feed
  • For nursing pigs and piglets, use 1.0 kg per 1 ton of feed

    For growing pigs and fattening pigs, use 0.35-0.50 kg per 1 ton of feed

    For chickens, ducks, and quails, use 0.25-0.50 kg per 1 ton of feed

    For ruminants, use 0.20 kg per 1 ton of feed

    For aquatic animals like shrimp, fish, and frogs, use 0.5-1.0 kg per 1 ton of feed

    For mixing in water for animals to drink to control diarrhea, use 1 kg of DKC per 2,000 liters of water. For smaller animals, use 1 kg per 1,000 liters of water.

  • For treating diarrhea:
  • Use 0.5 grams of DKC per 10 kg of animal body weight, mix with a small amount of water, and administer orally using a pump.

Using DKC in livestock and farms

  • For making compost
  • Use 1 kg of DKC mixed with 5,000 liters of water per 30-50 tons of animal manure. Spray the mixture onto the manure pile without needing to turn the pile. Providing adequate aeration in the manure pile will help speed up the composting process. The composting process should take approximately 30-45 days.

Using DKC in livestock and farms

  • Used in biogas digesters
  • Use 1 kg of DKC per 300-500 cubic meters of water entering the digester. This will result in an increase in the methane gas produced from the fermentation process, from 35-45% to 55-60%. Additionally, ammonia is reduced from 3-7% to 0.1-0.3%, and hydrogen sulfide is reduced from 0.3-0.7% to 0.01-0.03%. This allows for more methane gas to be used for electricity generation, helping to save on farm electricity costs.

Using DKC in livestock and farms

  • Add to raw water sources to clean the water
  • Use 1 kg of DKC per 1,000 cubic meters of water, every 7-10 days. This will significantly reduce the pathogenic microbes in the water and eliminate blue-green algae.

  • Use to treat farm wastewater
  • For the initial treatment, use 3-5 kg of DKC per 1,000 cubic meters of wastewater. The DKC should be mixed with water and sprayed evenly over the waste pond. Then, every 15-30 days, use 1 kg of DKC.

Using DKC in Aquaculture Farms

  • Use to eliminate unpleasant or foul odors in fish ponds, wastewater ponds, stagnant water areas, and weighing areas. This helps to break down and degrade organic matter that causes foul odors, and reduces toxic gases like ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and rancid odors. The enzymes break these down into carbon dioxide, water, and nitrogen gas, which are odorless.
  • Use 1 kg of DKC per 2,000-3,000 liters of water. Spray it evenly over the affected areas when there are unpleasant odors. This can quickly eliminate the unwanted odors, and the effects can last for an extended period after the initial application.

Using DKC in Aquaculture Farms

  • In cases where there is an abnormal outbreak of disease-causing organisms, toxic algae, or high levels of ammonia, nitrite, and hydrogen sulfide in the pond:
  • Use 1 kg of DKC per rai (1,600 sq.m), mix it with water and broadcast it over the pond's surface while the aeration system is running. Repeat this for 3 consecutive days.

  • Do not store DKC in damp or excessively hot conditions.
  • Do not use DKC concurrently with disinfectants. It is
  • better to use DKC 2-3 days after applying disinfectants.
  • - Ensure the aeration system is running at full capacity when applying DKC.

Using DKC in Aquaculture Farms

  • Use DKC to eliminate foul odors and toxic gases in the fish storage compartment under the boat's hull. This is because fish harvesting often takes several days, so the caught fish may not have been sufficiently chilled, leading to spoilage and the production of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide gases. If workers enter the storage compartment to collect the fish, they risk exposure to these toxic gases, which can be fatal.
  • Mix 500 grams of DKC with 500 liters of water and spray/sprinkle it in the fish storage compartment 1-2 hours before the boat docks. This helps reduce/eliminate the foul odor and toxic gases, while also preserving the quality of the fish.

Using DKC Enzymes in Aquaculture Farms

  • Use DKC to improve the quality of fish meal Fish offal or fish processing waste that is used to produce fish meal often has poor quality, up to the point of being rotten and foul-smelling. When these materials are steamed, the resulting smoke has a putrid, rancid odor, and the produced fish meal also has a low quality with a foul, rotten smell. This is indicated by a high Total Volatile Nitrogen (TVN) value, resulting in a lower grade of fish meal.
  • Use 1 kg of DKC mixed with 1,000 liters of water, and spray/sprinkle it onto a 30,000 kg pile of fish, in the area before the fish is loaded into the steaming vessel or along the fish transfer conveyor. This ensures the water-enzyme mixture has maximum contact with the fish, for optimal effectiveness.

Using DKC Enzymes in Aquaculture Farms

  • Use as a probiotic mixed into feed
  • Use 5-10 grams of DKC per 1 kilogram of shrimp feed, for each feeding, to help improve the shrimp's feed digestion efficiency. This can be observed through smaller and less voluminous shrimp feces, indicating better nutrient absorption. The shrimp will also exhibit improved health, with clearer bodies, faster growth, and better weight gain.

Using DKC Enzymes in Aquaculture Farms

  • For fish tanks/ponds, helps eliminate blue-green algae and water weeds, keeping the water clear and clean. Also breaks down leftover feed and fish waste, reducing the need for frequent tank cleaning, saving water, and helping prevent fish mortality, rotting, and white spot disease.
  • Use 5 grams per 100 liters of tank/pond volume, every 15 days.

Using DKC Enzymes in Aquaculture Farms

  • Used to improve the quality of fresh fish and reduce the growth of pathogens that contaminate fish, especially fish caught near the shore or bottom-dwelling fish, which have abundant microorganisms in their gills, bodies, and digestive tracts. This can cause the freshly caught fish to quickly lose its fresh state and become soft and mushy, with an undesirable odor, especially when proper chilling is not maintained.
  • Use 10 grams mixed in water per 100 kilograms of fresh fish, sprayed or poured over the fish storage containers to help control pathogen growth and eliminate undesirable odors or muddy smells in the aquatic animals.

Using DKC Enzymes in Industrial Factories

  • Usage rate in the final treatment pond to eliminate blue-green algae (thick, slimy green water)
  • Use 1 kilogram of DKC per 1,000 cubic meters of water, and should be added every 7-10 days.

Using DKC in Aquaculture Farms

  • Water Preparation Stage, Before Shrimp Release
  • Use 1 kg of DKC per rai, mix with water, and spread in front of the aerator to help accelerate the growth of phytoplankton as food for young shrimp.

  • Grow-out Stage
  • In the first month, use 150 g of DKC per rai, then use 200 g per rai regularly every week until harvest.

  • In Case of Finding Luminous Bacteria, Toxic Plankton Blooms, or High Levels of Ammonia and Rotten Egg Gas
  • Use 1 kg of DKC per rai, mix with water and spread in front of the aerator, do this for 3 consecutive days.

  • Should not be stored in damp or excessively hot places, and should not be used together with disinfectants or should be used about 2-3 days after the use of disinfectants
  • The aerator should be operated at full capacity.

Industrial Plants

  • Usage Rate in Aeration Tanks
  • Use DKC at a rate of 1-2 kg (1-2 ppm) per 1,000 m3 of wastewater for the initial application. Thereafter, use 0.5-1 kg (0.5-1 ppm) every 7 days. The amount added may be adjusted based on factors such as BOD or water flow rate. The addition should be done after the water has been used.

Industrial Plants

  • Usage Rate in Grease Traps
  • Use DKC at a rate of 1 kg per 2-4 m3 of capacity for 3 consecutive days. After that, reduce the usage to 100-200 g. The application should be done at the source (before using DKC, the thick grease floating on the surface should be skimmed off as much as possible).

Usage of DKC for Pets

  • Deodorizing Dog Cages, Cat Cages, Bird Cages, etc.
  • Use 1 tablespoon or 10 grams of DKC mixed with 20 liters of water. Spray the solution thoroughly on areas with odors and use the solution to wipe down the floors. The foul odors from urine will disappear within 3-5 minutes.

Usage of DKC in Industrial Plants

  • Reducing Undesirable Odors and Dangerous Pathogens, as well as Removing Grease Stains
  • Use 1 kg of DKC mixed with 1,000 - 2,000 liters of water (depending on the level of dirt on the factory floor).

Usage of DKC for Pets

  • Mixing into Animal Feed
  • Use DKC at a rate of 1 gram per 10 kilograms of the animal's body weight. This will result in the animal's feces and urine being odorless. It also helps treat gastrointestinal issues and intestinal inflammation, especially in mixed-breed dogs that are prone to high mortality rates after weaning due to easily contracting infectious diseases.

Usage of DKC for Pets

  • Eliminating Odors and Addressing Dogs Urinating on Vehicles, Around the House, etc.
  • Use 2 tablespoons or 20 grams of DKC mixed with 20 liters of water. Spray this solution thoroughly over the areas affected by urine odor or pheromones. This will eliminate the odors, and prevent other dogs from coming and urinating over the same spots.

Usage of DKC for Pets

  • Litter Boxes
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of DKC per 12-inch litter box. This helps eliminate the pungent odors of urine and feces.

Usage of DKC for Pets

  • Bathing Pets to Eliminate Odors
  • Use 1 tablespoon or 10 grams of DKC mixed in 20 liters of water. Let the solution sit for a bit, then use the clear water to bathe the pet thoroughly. This will eliminate stubborn odors for 10-15 days. For any sediment remaining in the bottom of the container, mix it with water and spray it on the affected areas to neutralize the odors.

Usage of DKC in Homes, Restaurants, Condos, Hotels, etc.

  • Eliminating Rancid Odors from the Kitchen, Sinks, or Clogged Drains from Grease
  • Use 10 grams or 1 tablespoon of DKC mixed with a moderate amount of water. Pour this down the drain after use. The offensive odors will disappear, and the clogging will gradually clear. Repeat this 2-3 times to fully resolve the problem.

Usage of DKC in Homes, Restaurants, Condos, Hotels, etc.

  • Eliminating Foul Odors in Garbage Chutes in Condominium Buildings
  • Use 50 grams of DKC mixed in 100 liters of water. Pour this solution down the garbage chute from the top floor. The offensive odors will be eliminated within 15 minutes. Thereafter, use 10 grams of DKC mixed in 20 liters of water to treat the newly added garbage daily. This will keep the garbage chute free of rotten odors and fly infestations.

Using DKC for Cleaning Homes/Carpets/Bedding/Air Vents,

  • For foul, musty odors, urine odors, vomit odors from children and pets, or to remove grease stains in the kitchen/exhaust areas
  • Use 1 tablespoon of DKC mixed in 10 liters of water. Let it sit for 10 minutes, then use the clear solution to spray and wipe down the areas with odors or grease stains. The sediment can be mixed with water and poured into toilets, sinks, or drains.

Using DKC to Remove Odors and Unclog Toilets

  • For foul odors in the bathroom and clogged toilets
  • use 100 grams of DKC. Pour it into the toilet bowl and flush. The unpleasant odor and clogging will be resolved within 2-3 days. This also helps save money by preventing the problem of overflowing toilets. It's recommended to use DKC in the toilet regularly every 30-60 days.

  • Removing Urine Odors from Urinals and Floors
  • To remove urine odors, use a ratio of 10 grams or 1 tablespoon of DKC per 20 liters of water. Scoop up around 100 cc of the microbial solution and pour it directly into the urinal. The urine odor will disappear within 1-2 minutes.

  • For the bathroom floor
  • use a mop soaked in the microbial solution to clean the floor, especially along the edges and in corners where odors tend to linger. There is no need to use any deodorizing chemicals, as the unpleasant odors will be eliminated for several hours.

    It's recommended to use this treatment when odors are present, or as a regular maintenance every 1-3 days.

" As a pet owner, I am always concerned about the safety of the chemicals used to deodorize pet areas. With DKC Enzymes Deodorize Product, I no longer have to worry. It is completely safe and has no harmful chemicals, yet still effectively removes any unpleasant odors. My cat's litter box and my dog's cage smell fresh and clean after using this product. Highly recommended!